Happy Take Your Pet To Work Week!
Monday, June 19th - Today, the first day of Take Your Pet To Work Week, also happens to be Take Your Cat To Work Day specifically- so for this first Shop Pet Spotlight, who better to introduce first but our/Pet-Friendly Penticton's own fuzzy-faced feline team member, who got to come to work with me for the very first time, today!
Pet-Friendly Penticton
Pawsitivity Ambassador
Age: 16; Born September 22nd, 2006
Breed: Domestic Shorthair; Dilute Caliby (Calico/Tabby)
Preferred Food: Yours. (Of those, probably cheeseburgers)
Favourite Toys: Pencils & String
Dislikes: Rustling plastic bags; Dogs~ (She got surprised by an overly friendly pug tongue last summer and has made it very clear she will not consider forgiving the affront~)
Quirks: Very chatty... and she will meow if you just point at her!
Never doubt that even an old dog or cat can learn new tricks!

Just inside the loading bay doors, you will find the new office space 'home' for Pet-Friendly Penticton as well as Kona's business, Router Cat Media.
Hard at work on cat-scan duty~ Our Pet Supply Lending Library & Food Bank shelf passed Pickle's quality control inspection!
All work and no play makes for a dull day~
Special thanks to Spare Room Co. for helping us find an afforable, pet-friendly space that made it possible to launch our Lending Library and Food Bank initiatives!